What we do

We identify the tension and conflict in the planning system and move to address the risks and uncertainties those conflicts create in order to ensure that housing is provided across all tenures without delay. We deliver our client’s main objective, of achieving a deliverable consent to supply housing, by resolving conflicting priorities. At times these conflicts are so great that delivery of housing is stifled and no housing is produced.

The conflict in the planning system is caused by disputes in at least one of three areas;


At a National, regional and local level, housing and planning policy and its supporting evidence base often requires detailed interrogation to enable effective housing and planning decision making. Our work in this area includes - District/Borough wide CIL and viability studies and consultation, Strategic site feasibility studies, detailed analysis of planning policy for affordable housing in the development plan and supporting documentation.

Demand & Supply

The supply of housing is a national issue across all tenures. Addressing this issue requires a detailed understanding not only of pricing, but also supply, accessibility, affordability and tenure balance of the whole housing market. Different housing markets require very different implementations of national policy. Our work includes analysis of Strategic Housing Market Assessments (SHMA) and Objectively Assessed Needs (OAN), combining this data with an examination of the affordability of housing and income levels to ensure housing products can satisfy the whole market spectrum.


Robust planning decisions should result in a supply of deliverable and developable sites. Our work includes development viability assessments and examination of development economics, affordable housing funding, Section 106 Agreements, Payment in lieu and commuted sums, and selection of affordable housing partners for delivery. We conduct site specific planning negotiations at pre application, outline and detailed planning application stages and planning appeals. We help our clients identify the right delivery partners for affordable housing.

We can assist with all three

We help our clients to understand the costs associated with planning policy requirements for affordable housing and help their decision making to ensure viability, while making sure their development addresses all planning and housing policies. This process will allow our clients, through negotiation, to weigh the relative priorities that may be placed on development by CIL, planning obligations and affordable housing requirements.

We will identify the right mix of market and affordable housing, interrogating data to determine housing type, tenure and affordability of the affordable housing. We help our clients present their proposals in the best light and support their planning negotiations, ensuring that due weight is accorded to affordable homes provided and that planning consent is achieved with clear responsibilities set out in the planning agreement. We can also assist clients in identifying the right delivery partners for their projects.